
Showing posts from June, 2010

Moved in

Well, i got so frustrated having to practice and "listen" to the tv at the same time that now I moved my electone into my study room. Peace. So now this 2 babies r sitting in the same room as I am and the pc =D But the mess in my room and some corner in the living room will take me forever to clean up >

Leslie Cheung - Chase 追

Trying out this song with Stagea's preset registrations...hrmm, still got mistakes XD Need to make more edits...suggestions? The score is from a very old book, the data not really suit on ELB-01 追 作曲:李迪文 填詞:林夕 編曲: 這一生 也在進取這分鐘 卻掛念誰 我會說 是唯獨你不可失去 好風光 似幻似虛 說明人生樂趣 我會說 為情為愛 仍然是對 誰比你重要 成功了敗了也完全無重要 誰比你重要 狂風與暴雨都因你燃燒 一追再追 只想追趕生命裡一分一秒 原來多麼可笑  你是真正目標 一追再追 追蹤一些生活最基本需要  原來早不缺少 ha... 有了你 即使平凡卻最重要 好光陰 縱沒太多一分鐘 那又如何 會與你 共同渡過 都不枉過 瘋戀多 錯誤更多 如能從新做過 我會說 願能為你 提前做錯 誰比你重要 成功了敗了也完全無重要 誰比你重要 狂風與暴雨都因你燃燒 一追再追 只想追趕生命裡一分一秒 原來多麼可笑 你是真正目標 一追再追 追蹤一些生活最基本需要 原來早不缺少  Oh... 只得你 會叫我彷彿人群裡最重要 有了你 即使沈睡了 也在笑

Mr Pong

Lol! Long time din mention bout him huh? Well for those who's new to my blog or me, Mr Pong is actually Pong Nan 藍奕邦, a singer/composer from HK Well, here's some videos of his recent gigs, shows etc. Tribute to Leslie Cheung Pong playing guitar Pong singing Pong singing 怪你過份美麗, one of my fav song from Leslie Pong's performances This was just yesterday i think 六月@初夏之藍奕邦 烈@初夏之藍奕邦 火柴@Pong Nan 藍奕邦 88+1 Ok actually there's so much moreeeeeeeeeeee but anyway, that's all for now lar =P Flood edy... Oh oh something extra, my FAV song from Leslie Cheung, it makes me feels like crying everytime listening to it

FF book videos

Oh, how lucky to be staying in Japan. People there already got the book and played it...we still need to wait if we order now... Anyway, here's some videos I found over Youtube... and one more, here's the link, embed disabled, so just go by clicking the link below ENJOY!