
Showing posts from February, 2011

My new special edition Touch and Go card

It is also Station One's member card~ Raymond Lam's special edition T&G card!

Convinient =P

Lol, when I'm really lazy to move about to the PC, this is what I can do =P

Pong Nan 藍奕邦 - 靈光

靈光 曲/詞: 藍奕邦 編: Ted Lo 監: 藍奕邦 伍仲衡 徐繼宗 這驅殼和肉身 總會 難逃避必經的耗損 愛是會超越短暫生存 並無一息間斷 無需 來為誰唏噓 來讓晨光蒸發掉剩餘眼淚 隨風去 都揮之不去 再不要靠近釐定散聚 頭上一絲黑髮隨年漸白 懷內一顆心跳緩緩靜下 呼吸 停頓 偏卻 從未 吹熄 熊熊地亮照的火把 如若真的相信輪迴的話 還未急於觸碰霎眼煙花 此刻 離別 且看 生命 昇華 耀眼得叫誰也跪下 即使挽留在手 轉眼 如塵劃遍了宇宙 美麗放心頭永垂不朽 哪用緊握佔有 靈光 如遁形的光 從未停止普照著大地蒼茫 提醒我 放下我的悲愴 尚要繼續尋覓沿途風光 頭上一絲黑髮隨年漸白 懷內一顆心跳緩緩靜下 呼吸 停頓 偏卻 從未 吹熄 熊熊地亮照的火把 如若真的相信輪迴的話 還未急於觸碰霎眼煙花 此刻 離別 且看 生命 昇華 誰話過祗得一剎那 心間 留住 這片 鮮艷 光華 我更加堅強過活吧 I haven't been listening to Pong's songs since his songs became more commercialized. So I didn't go thru all his song from his last album. I heard his new album is coming out soon. And I went to listen to some of his previous album songs, and I found this song, pretty sad one. Looking forward for his next album =)